Thursday, September 10, 2009

Finally Time to Write

Well it has been 9 months and counting since we moved to California from SW Florida. Much has changed and not much has stayed the same. We have already moved once since arriving in California (I know not much of a surprise!) We now have a beautiful ocean view! Our yard also has a great view of the Elementary School playground. (Don't tell Jack but I actually got out the binoculars today to check out what he was doing at recess....playing four corners.) We feel totally blessed by the Lord for all of the changes in the last year for our family. God has grown us and provided for us in ways we would never have imagined. I am truly grateful to have been pulled out of my stagnant life in Florida and put on a path filled with change, growing faith, lots of trials and reminders of my great need for repentance!

The Kids (Jack is now 8 and Jenna 5) started school Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. I finally have some time to think in the quiet of the house. That is kind of weird after a three month long summer. I can remember thinking "What will I do to keep them occupied for three months!" Well, somehow we made it! The summer was filled with camps, travel, pool fun and surfing. Jason loves to take the kids out on his surfboards at Doheney Beach. It is similar to Waikiki Beach in that it has slow, low rolling waves that seem to deliver the board and rider right onto the beach. We have a lovely neighborhood pool to enjoy, and we did.

We have met some wonderful friends since our arrival on Christmas Eve 08. Our first family friends were the McKeown's. Matt and Natalie have 4 girls! Mia 8, Claire 6 and twins Lily and Grace 1. They have been a great support and provider of fun for all of the Singers. We have talked them into trying our church out. Hopefully they will be joining the "Thrive" marriage ministry this fall and their kids will do the Awana program. We also met tons of Christian brothers and sisters through "Thrive" the marriage ministry at Compass Bible Church, our new church home. Our good friends the Millers came out to visit this summer, well half of them anyway. We had fun showing them around our new neck o' the woods. We also did some gold mining in Julien and spent a weekend soaking up San Diego. It was great for Max and Jack to get to spend time together. Jack is sure that no one will ever replace Max as his best friend. I hope no one ever does. Jenna is still planning on marrying Max so we can always keep him in the family:) We took an unexpected, last minute, blind date sort of trip up the Pacific Coast with a family from church named the Cowell's. I knew the daughter Morgan who is in my Sunday School class and had met the mother, Aimee several times prior to invinting ourselves on their vacation :) We literally packed and hit the road in about 5 hours. Tim is the husband of Aimee and father of Braydon 9 and Morgan 6. Needless to say the kids had a great time and hit it off very well! Aimee and I have become fast friends and Jason and Tim have hit it off as well.